Hello, I’m Ray Richards, current Assistant State Coordinator. I have been nominated for the position of State Coordinator, and I’d like to talk about leadership – an issue that is central to our ability to thrive in a world of increasing complexity and accelerating change. You currently have a very dedicated team working to advancing and growing ABATE.
To advance and grow ABATE like every organization must competently execute four processes. Three of them are relatively easy to describe.
Strategy: Identify the key elements in the situation facing an organization, how they are related, and how they are likely to evolve in the future. Determine how to achieve desired goals with available means.
Execution: Implement a strategy to accomplish the set goals. Utilize all tools and personnel best suited for the particular goal.
Risk Management: Identify and assess risks and uncertainties. Insure success without harm.
However, excellent strategy, execution, and risk management alone won’t deliver success. It takes a dedicated and cohesive team working together with the leader of the team.
Over the years I’ve become more focused on the nature of leadership as a relationship. It is an honor that is bestowed upon a person by followers who are willing to place their trust in them. It has been my honor to have been receiving that trust bestowed on me over the past 9+ years, starting at the chapter level. Having served as an Area Coordinator before becoming the State Assistant Coordinator gave me the opportunity to talk with the grass roots, our members. The insight into their concerns and needs helped guide me to ways to address those concerns and needs on the state level. I have been fortunate to work with the fine leadership in Columbia and we have made great strides. I look forward to continuing those success through teamwork.
The key question then becomes what are the qualities in a person that cause others to trust him or her with the leadership of their group?
I believe that I have these qualities: Integrity, Competence, Empathy and have demonstrated these capabilities in my service to ABATE of SC as Area Coordinator and Assistant State Coordinator. If you agree I look forward to your vote.
In closing, no matter the outcome of the election I will continue to serve our areas, our chapters, our members and support our outstanding leadership team.
Ride Safe and Free,
Ray Richards