ABATE of SC has a standard recruiter program but for 2022 the board of directors took it up a notch to include some incentives and name a top recruiter for […]
Author: abateofsc
Watch “Bikers Inside the Beltway 2018” on YouTube
June 14th Primary Results
eLegal’s Virtual Chapter Meetings
Meetings on June 26th & August 21st Register here
June Newsletter – Test Your Motorcycle Knowledge Quiz Answers
Here’s the answer sheet for the June Newsletter Quiz on page 19. 1. Answer: A. 1885 2. Answer: B. Hildebrand & Wolfmueller 3. Answer: C. Rear wheel 4. Answer: B. […]
May is Motorcycle Awareness Month
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
“Eyes Up, Phones Down”
Well, with the month of April coming to an end we have four weeks to get S248 “South Carolina Hands Free Act” passed out of the House of Representatives Judiciary […]
FROM THE CHAMBER- April 14, 2022
Champions of Safety (Excerpt) LARRY K. GROOMS STATE SENATOR DISTRICT 37 ABATE of SC came to the Statehouse for their lobby day. ABATE is a Motorcycle Rights Organization dedicated to […]
Remington 700 Winner!
Don Otto of the CWC Chapter won the Remington 700. Thanks to everyone who purchased a ticket, it is greatly appreciated. The funds will help our legislative efforts tremendously. /